segunda-feira, 28 de setembro de 2015

Mohamed e a Bomba - 1

O novo poster-boy dos media globais. O jovem terrorista Tsarnaev, um dos bombistas da maratona de Boston, foi capa da Rolling Stone. Este deve vir a ser Presidente dos Estados Unidos. No mínimo!

Enquanto os muçulmanos (responsáveis por quase 100% do terrorismo global) continuam a matar com requintes diabólicos centenas de pessoas todos os dias - para além das que torturam, estropiam, escravizam, crucificam, estupram, usam como bancos de órgãos, abatem e comem em honra do deus Alá - e até dão a comer aos parentes - a Imprensa e os políticos mundiais têm como prioridade máxima de cada dia evitar que o Islão tenha uma "má imagem".

Há uns dias, um rapaz de 14 anos chamado Ahmed Mohamed, (um muçulmano sudanês a viver nos infiéis e maléficos Estados Unidos), construiu um relógio tão parecido quanto possível com uma bomba.
Sublinhamos que Mohamed (ou alguém por ele) construiu o relógio tão parecido com uma bomba quanto possível. E levou-o para a escola.  

Os professores certificaram-se de que não era uma bomba, mas avisaram-no para não andar pela escola com o dispositivo. Ahmed fez exactamente o que lhe disseram para não fazer. Levou o aparelho para outra aula e programou o alarme para disparar. O professor, naturalmente, pôs-se de sobreaviso, comunicou à Direcção da Escola e a Polícia foi chamada.

Ahmed Mohamed congratula-se pela operação bem sucedida 

Após o 11 de Setembro e a jihad declarada ao Mundo nesse dia, os atentados terroristas islâmicos sucedem-se diariamente por toda a parte, obrigando as pessoas normais, não adeptas da seita em questão, a tomarem precauções inéditas. Mais abaixo publicamos a lista conhecida dos ataques terroristas islâmicos registados nos últimos 30 dias, publicada no site The Religion of Peace, que tenta manter actualizada a penosa contabilidade.
Naturalmente que, por o rapaz ser muçulmano, caiu o Carmo e a Trindade! Se o rapaz não pertencesse à seita responsável por quase 100% do terrorismo global nos dias de hoje, não seria notícia. É este o estado de loucura colectiva a que o marxismo cultural, o politicamente correcto, a estupidez oficializada, nos conduziu.
Terrorismo islâmico na Maratona de Boston. O Islão é responsável por praticamente todo o terrorismo no Mundo.
Quando lemos a notícia, nem pensámos dedicar-lhe atenção, pois há coisas realmente graves a acontecer, e isto quase dá para rir. No entanto, desenrolando o fio, descobriu-se uma meada bem mais intrincada. Vale a pena analisar isto um bocadinho, para termos bem a noção de que a sanidade é cada vez mais necessária.
Para começar, temos esta imagem, onde em cima pode ver-se a bomba falsa do Ahmed Mohamed, e em baixo uma bomba igual às que são usadas para chacinar soldados norte-americanos no Iraque:
A Escola aplicou o senso-comum, no interesse de proteger as vidas dos alunos. Mas os jornaleiros e os lunáticos de esquerda só querem ver um pobre menino, algemado apenas por ser muçulmano.
As associações islâmicas e de extrema-esquerda desataram imediatamente na gritaria histérica do costume. Exigem desculpas, gritam "ISLAMOFOBIA!", e fazem todo o espectáculo de vitimização que seria de esperar.

Este é apenas um vídeo de muitos, sobre a agitação mediática causada pelo novo herói. Enquanto isso, são executadas e torturadas da maneira mais atroz milhares de crianças "infiéis", sobretudo no Médio-Oriente e em África. Mas como não são muçulmanos, não são gente.

Barack Hussein, muçulmano e financiador do terrorismo islâmico, afirmou que os Estados Unidos são um país muçulmano. 

O muçulmano Barack Hussein, actual Presidente dos Estados Unidos, também conhecido como o Terrorista da Casa Branca, convidou o jovem para a Casa Branca, num tweet que tem muito que se lhe diga:

"Relógio fixe, Ahmed! Queres trazê-lo à Casa Branca? Devemos inspirar outros jovens a gostarem de Ciência. É isso que faz a América grande!" - escreveu Barack Hussein.

Date Country City Killed Injured Description
2015.09.27 Pakistan Khairkot 9 51 A Shahid suicide bomber detonates at a playground volleyball game, killing nine innocents.
2015.09.27 Afghanistan Chahar Burjak 2 4 A mother and son are disassembled by Taliban bombers.
2015.09.26 CAR Bangui 21 100 A mob of Muslims pour automatic weapons fire into a Christian neighborhood, killing at least twenty-one.
2015.09.26 Somalia Kismayo 4 3 Four people at a restaurant are bitten off by Mujahid bombers.
2015.09.25 Niger N'Gourtoua 15 4 Islamists slash the throats of fifteen villagers.
2015.09.24 Yemen Sanaa 29 60 At least twenty-nine Shia worshippers are reduced to pulp by a dedicated Sunni suicide bomber.
2015.09.21 Syria Rastan 7 0 Seven men are shot by the Islamic State 'for being gay.'
2015.09.21 Iraq Tarmiya 3 0 Three family members are shot to death by religious radicals.
2015.09.20 Cameroon Mora 3 29 Three others are killed when two female suicide bombers blow themselves up.
2015.09.20 Syria Aleppo 14 25 Seven children are among fourteen killed when Sunnis pour rockets into an Armenian neighborhood.
2015.09.20 Nigeria Maiduguri 85 90 Boko Haram bombers strike a rival mosque and several other buildings, killing at least eighty - including children.
2015.09.20 Nigeria Ngorongoro 6 0 Six villagers have their throats slit by Boko Haram.
2015.09.20 Nigeria Monguno 45 60 A Fedayeen suicide bomb blast rips through an outdoor market, claiming forty-five innocents.
2015.09.18 Pakistan Peshawar 29 30 Sharia proponents machine-gun twenty-nine people at an air base mosque.
2015.09.18 China Aksu 40 0 Five guards are among some forty people at a coal mine stabbed to death by Muslim 'separatists'.
2015.09.18 Afghanistan Arghandab 8 0 All eight policemen manning a checkpoint are mowed down by religious extremists.
2015.09.18 Philippines Zamboanga 1 16 Abu Sayyaf bombers kill a woman with a bomb planted under a bus seat.
2015.09.18 Dagestan Khtun 5 0 Five local hunters are brutally slain by Muslim militants.
2015.09.16 Nigeria Kadunung 18 150 Muslims attack a Christian community, killing eighteen innocents, including a man and his six children.
2015.09.16 Afghanistan Kabul 4 41 A Shahid suicide car bomber murders four innocents and injures dozens more.
2015.09.16 Cameroon Aissa Harde 9 0 Boko Haram members burn 40 homes and kill nine villagers.
2015.09.15 Afghanistan Char Dewar 6 0 Six civilians are machine-gunned in their car at point-blank range by fundamentalists.
2015.09.15 Syria Aleppo 38 150 At least fourteen children are among forty innocents turned to paste by Sunni rockets.
2015.09.15 Syria al-Jazira 3 0 Two homosexuals are flung from a rooftop by caliphate members, who also shoot another man in the back of the head.
2015.09.15 Iraq Mosul 3 0 Three university professors are executed with shots to the back of the head by the Islamic State.
2015.09.15 Syria Hasakah 7 21 An Islamic State suicide bomber detonates in front of a water authority building and takes out seven souls.
2015.09.15 Libya Benghazi 1 0 A 39-year-old baker is forced to his knees and shot by fundamentalists.
2015.09.15 Nigeria Sarkin Kudu 9 9 Nine Christians are murdered in their village by Muslim invaders.
2015.09.14 Israel Jerusalem 1 2 A 64-year-old man dies of injuries suffered during an Arab rock attack.
2015.09.14 Afghanistan Ghazni 4 7 Four guards lose their lives when the Taliban stage a Fedayeen suicide attack on a prison.
2015.09.14 Mali Mopti 2 0 Armed Islamists take out two local cops.
2015.09.14 Syria Mahata 10 40 Ten people are laid out by a Shahid suicide car bomber.
2015.09.14 Pakistan Multan 11 59 A suicide blast produces eleven charred bodies.
2015.09.14 Syria Khashman 16 40 Two children are among sixteen slaughtered by an ISIS suicide car bombing.
2015.09.14 Nigeria Barkin Ladi 20 17 Twenty Christians are massacred by Muslim militants.
2015.09.14 UK White Chapel 1 0 A faith healer is stabbed to death in a targeted attack by a religious Muslim.
2015.09.14 Iraq Saqlawiya 3 5 A Shahid suicide bomber takes out three Iraqis.
2015.09.14 Egypt Khareeza 12 4 Ansar Bait Al-Maqdis is strongly suspected of a shooting at a wedding in which a dozen guests were massacred.
2015.09.13 Iraq Ghazlani 32 0 Thirty-two captives are euthanized by Islamic State executioners.
2015.09.13 Pakistan Khyber Pakhtunkhwa 7 0 Seven people are shot to death by suspected terrorists.
2015.09.13 Egypt Western Desert 1 0 An Egyptian is beheaded and crucified by ISIS.
2015.09.13 Cameroon Kolofata 9 24 Three suicide bombers set themselves off at a packed market, killing at least nine.
2015.09.13 Pakistan Khaisoor 2 0 Two men are picked off by Taliban snipers while fetching water.
2015.09.13 Somalia Raaso 2 0 Two brothers are beheaded by al-Shabaab.
2015.09.13 Iraq Mosul 5 0 Five rival prayer leaders are shot in the back of the head by the caliphate.
2015.09.12 Iraq Mosul 1 0 The director of a radio station is executed by the Islamic State.
2015.09.12 Iraq Baiji 3 8 An ISIS attack leaves three others dead.
2015.09.12 Syria Damascus 11 30 Jaish al-Islam send rockets into a suburb, killing eleven residents.
2015.09.11 Pakistan Pandyali 2 0 Two members of a peace committee are sectionalized by Taliban bombers.
2015.09.11 Egypt Rafah 2 0 Fundamentalists take out a woman and child with a car bomb.
2015.09.11 DRC Mamove 9 0 An ADF attack leaves at least nine others dead.
2015.09.11 Nigeria Madgali 4 3 A female suicide bomber detonates at a market, taking four patrons with her.
2015.09.11 Iraq Daquq 13 47 Thirteen Kurds are blown to bits by ISIS bombs.
2015.09.11 Yemen Marib 20 40 At least twenty civilians bleed out following a rocket attack by Shiite radicals on a marketplace.
2015.09.11 Egypt Sinai 4 0 Four local soldiers are blown to bits by Islamic extremists.
2015.09.11 Syria Damascus 1 12 A civilian loses his life to an ISIS mortar round.
2015.09.11 Afghanistan Nangarhar 1 0 A rival imam is executed by the Islamic State.
2015.09.11 Nigeria Yola 7 20 Children are among the victims of a horrible Boko Haram bombing at a refugee camp that claims seven.
2015.09.10 Pakistan Dera Ismail Khan 1 1 Terrorists take out a local official with a drive-by.
2015.09.10 Iraq Abu Ghraib 2 7 Two people are flattened by a Religion of Peace bomb blast.
2015.09.10 Iraq Albu Souda 9 14 A Shahid suicide bomber snuffs out the lives of nine others.
2015.09.10 Afghanistan Ghazni 5 0 Five police officers on patrol are destroyed by a Taliban bomb blast.
2015.09.10 CAR Bangui 2 20 Muslim terrorists are suspected of three grenade attacks on gathered crowds that leave two dead.
2015.09.09 Afghanistan Kalakhan 2 1 Two Afghan are taken out by a Taliban bomb blast.
2015.09.09 Syria Abu al-Duhur 71 40 al-Qaeda members line up and execute fifty-six captives at an air base after killing fifteen others in the assault.
2015.09.09 Iraq Mosul 10 0 Ten women are executed for refusing to have sex with Islamic extremists.
2015.09.09 Iraq Anbar 13 13 Over a dozen Iraqis are laid out by two suicide bombers.
2015.09.09 Iraq Hit 2 0 The caliph executes two people by tying them to explosives.
2015.09.09 Pakistan Shah Faisal 1 0 A 28-year-old man is shot to death by sectarian rival.
2015.09.09 Iraq Derik 35 0 Three dozen Kurds are reportedly killed by a an Islamic State suicide bomber.
2015.09.09 Dagestan Novy Kurush 1 0 A moderate imam is shot to death by radical co-religionists.
2015.09.09 Pakistan Karachi 2 0 Shiite radicals are suspected of gunning down a shop owner and his assistant.
2015.09.08 Iraq Qarma 8 0 ISIS members sneak up and machine-gun eight people manning a checkpoint.
2015.09.08 Pakistan Khyber 6 0 Six members of a peace committee are abducted and slain by Lashkar-e-Islam.
2015.09.08 Iraq Mosul 1 0 A female journalist is publicly executed by caliphate enforcers.
2015.09.07 Afghanistan Khurasan 1 0 A man is brutally beheaded the Uzbekistan Islamic Movement.
2015.09.07 Egypt Taweel al-Amir 2 5 Islamic 'insurgents' kill two local security personnel with a roadside bomb.
2015.09.07 Libya Benghazi 7 0 Seven people lose their lives to an Islamist attack.
2015.09.07 Pakistan Qambarkhel 5 0 Lashkar-e-Islam gunmen ambush and kill five tribals.
2015.09.06 Pakistan Kotigram 1 0 A local official is sprayed with bullets by a Muslim terrorist group.
2015.09.06 Pakistan Hangu 2 0 A secular-leaning politician is gunned down along with a family member.
2015.09.06 Iraq Madain 2 2 Women and children are among the casualties of a Mujahid bomb attack.
2015.09.06 DRC Beni 7 0 Seven civilians are murdered by ADF Islamists.
2015.09.06 Afghanistan Nimroz 7 3 Seven locals are taken out by the Taliban.
2015.09.05 Iraq Arab Jabour 4 0 A family of four, including two children, is exterminated in their home by Holy Warriors.
2015.09.05 Pakistan Khyber Pakhtunkhwa 1 3 The Taliban murder a local politician with a roadside bomb.
2015.09.05 Afghanistan Balkh 13 0 Thirteen Hazara religious minorities are machine-gunned on a minibus by Sunni radicals.
2015.09.04 Bangladesh Chittagong 2 0 Two Islamists cut the throats of two staff at a Sufi shrine.
2015.09.04 Iraq Madain 3 6 Jihadis set off a bomb in a commercial district, killing three bystanders.
2015.09.04 Saudi Arabia Abqaiq 1 2 A terrorist opens fire on police with a machine-gun, killing one.
2015.09.04 Tajikistan Dushanbe 2 1 Two guards at an airport are picked off during an Islamist drive-by.
2015.09.04 Tajikistan Vahdat 8 2 Islamic militants launch pre-dawn attacks on local police that leave eight dead.
2015.09.04 Syria Sweida 31 24 Thirty-one people are taken out by two al-Nusra car bombs.
2015.09.03 Cameroon Kerawa 30 143 Two female suicide bombers slaughter thirty patrons at a market.
2015.09.03 Afghanistan Helmand 8 0 The Taliban drug eight police and then shoot them to death.
2015.09.03 Iraq Baghdad 4 7 Sunnis bomb two Shiite areas, killing four civilians.
2015.09.03 Iraq Tarmiya 3 8 A bomb blast at a Sunni vegetable market leaves three dead.
2015.09.03 Iraq Baghdad 3 10 Jihadi bombers take out three patrons at a market.
2015.09.02 Iraq Hashd Shaabi 11 16 Eleven Iraqis are disassembled by two suicide bombers.
2015.09.02 Pakistan Urmar Payan 3 6 Three cops are liquidated by Islamic terrorists.
2015.09.02 Pakistan Latakia 10 25 Sunni extremists set off a car bomb in a town square that claims ten lives.
2015.09.02 Yemen Sanaa 32 75 Over two dozen worshippers at a Shiite mosque are sent straight to Allah by two suicide bombers.
2015.09.02 Iraq Tel Saqif 8 2 Islamic State members kill eight Iraqis with a mortar barrage.
2015.09.02 India Ladoora 1 2 A Lashkar-e-Islam member opens fire on a security patrol, killing one member.
2015.09.02 Iraq Khalis 4 18 Four people lose their lives to an Islamist car bomb.
2015.09.02 Iraq Mosul 4 0 Four civilians are executed at a market by the Islamic State.
2015.09.02 Nigeria Mainari 5 6 Muslim 'insurgents' murder five villagers.
2015.09.02 Iraq Haditha 3 6 Three people are killed when ISIS militants send mortars toward a dam.
2015.09.01 Nigeria Ba'na Iman 8 0 Eight villagers are murdered by Sharia proponents.
2015.09.01 Nigeria Kolori 18 0 Boko Haram ride into a town on horseback, shoot eighteen residents to death and steal their food.
2015.09.01 Pakistan Jamrud 6 56 A Fedayeen suicide bomber kills at least six others.
2015.09.01 Iraq Haditha 12 8 Three ISIS suicide bombers take out a dozen Iraqis.
2015.09.01 Mali Timbuktu 2 1 Two local security personnel are murdered by Jihadists.
2015.09.01 Somalia Janaale 50 50 At least fifty AU peacekeepers are killed during an al-Shabaab attack on their base.
2015.08.31 Pakistan Khar 1 4 A civilian is killed by a roadside blast.
2015.08.31 Iraq Salahuddin 3 0 The caliphate hacks the heads off three people for the crime of helping families escape.
2015.08.31 Nigeria Fatawe 36 0 Several dozen villagers are rounded up and bound, then have their throats slit in front of their families by Boko Haram.
2015.08.31 Iraq Anbar 4 0 Four Shiites are suspended with chains and then burned alive by Sunni extremists.
2015.08.30 Yemen Mansura 1 0 al-Qaeda on motorbikes assassinate a security official.
2015.08.30 Nigeria Hambagda 7 5 Sharia proponents shoot seven innocents to death.
2015.08.30 Libya Rakiyat 5 2 An Islamist attack on a village checkpoint leaves five dead.
2015.08.30 Pakistan Mardan 2 0 Two local cops are gunned down by Tehreek-e-Taliban snipers.
2015.08.30 Iraq Haditha 4 2 Four people are laid out by a Shahid suicide bomber.
2015.08.29 Afghanistan Ghazni 6 0 Six cops are machine-gunned at a checkpoint by Taliban.
2015.08.29 Afghanistan Oruzgan 3 0 Two tribal elders and their driver are exterminated by religious radicals.
2015.08.29 Afghanistan Chora 3 0 Three people lose their lives to a Taliban bomb blast.
2015.08.29 Iraq Fallujah 6 9 A Fedayeen suicide bomber destroys six other lives.
2015.08.29 Iraq Trebil 8 6 Eight people are taken apart by Islamist bomb blasts at a border crossing.
2015.08.29 Syria Homs 4 19 IS terrorists detonate a car bomb in front of a pharmacy, killing four.
2015.08.29 Iraq Shirqat 12 0 A dozen people are executed by the Islamic State.
2015.08.29 Nigeria Karnuwa 4 0 Four villagers are shot to death by Boko Haram.
2015.08.29 Bahrain Karana 1 6 A security official is taken down by Shiite bombers.
2015.08.29 Iraq Baghdad 5 19 Two Mujahid roadside blasts take out five Iraqis.

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