O novo poster-boy dos media globais. O jovem terrorista Tsarnaev, um dos bombistas da maratona de Boston, foi capa da Rolling Stone. Este deve vir a ser Presidente dos Estados Unidos. No mínimo!
Enquanto os muçulmanos (responsáveis por quase 100% do terrorismo global) continuam a matar com requintes diabólicos centenas de pessoas todos os dias - para além das que torturam, estropiam, escravizam, crucificam, estupram, usam como bancos de órgãos, abatem e comem em honra do deus Alá - e até dão a comer aos parentes - a Imprensa e os políticos mundiais têm como prioridade máxima de cada dia evitar que o Islão tenha uma "má imagem".
Há uns dias, um rapaz de 14 anos chamado Ahmed Mohamed, (um muçulmano sudanês a viver nos infiéis e maléficos Estados Unidos), construiu um relógio tão parecido quanto possível com uma bomba.
Sublinhamos que Mohamed (ou alguém por ele) construiu o relógio tão parecido com uma bomba quanto possível. E levou-o para a escola.
Os professores certificaram-se de que não era uma bomba, mas avisaram-no para não andar pela escola com o dispositivo. Ahmed fez exactamente o que lhe disseram para não fazer. Levou o aparelho para outra aula e programou o alarme para disparar. O professor, naturalmente, pôs-se de sobreaviso, comunicou à Direcção da Escola e a Polícia foi chamada.
Ahmed Mohamed congratula-se pela operação bem sucedida
Após o 11 de Setembro e a jihad declarada ao Mundo nesse dia, os atentados terroristas islâmicos sucedem-se diariamente por toda a parte, obrigando as pessoas normais, não adeptas da seita em questão, a tomarem precauções inéditas. Mais abaixo publicamos a lista conhecida dos ataques terroristas islâmicos registados nos últimos 30 dias, publicada no site The Religion of Peace, que tenta manter actualizada a penosa contabilidade.
Naturalmente que, por o rapaz ser muçulmano, caiu o Carmo e a Trindade! Se o rapaz não pertencesse à seita responsável por quase 100% do terrorismo global nos dias de hoje, não seria notícia. É este o estado de loucura colectiva a que o marxismo cultural, o politicamente correcto, a estupidez oficializada, nos conduziu.
Terrorismo islâmico na Maratona de Boston. O Islão é responsável por praticamente todo o terrorismo no Mundo.
Quando lemos a notícia, nem pensámos dedicar-lhe atenção, pois há coisas realmente graves a acontecer, e isto quase dá para rir. No entanto, desenrolando o fio, descobriu-se uma meada bem mais intrincada. Vale a pena analisar isto um bocadinho, para termos bem a noção de que a sanidade é cada vez mais necessária.
Para começar, temos esta imagem, onde em cima pode ver-se a bomba falsa do Ahmed Mohamed, e em baixo uma bomba igual às que são usadas para chacinar soldados norte-americanos no Iraque:
A Escola aplicou o senso-comum, no interesse de proteger as vidas dos alunos. Mas os jornaleiros e os lunáticos de esquerda só querem ver um pobre menino, algemado apenas por ser muçulmano.
As associações islâmicas e de extrema-esquerda desataram imediatamente na gritaria histérica do costume. Exigem desculpas, gritam "ISLAMOFOBIA!", e fazem todo o espectáculo de vitimização que seria de esperar.
Este é apenas um vídeo de muitos, sobre a agitação mediática causada pelo novo herói. Enquanto isso, são executadas e torturadas da maneira mais atroz milhares de crianças "infiéis", sobretudo no Médio-Oriente e em África. Mas como não são muçulmanos, não são gente.
Barack Hussein, muçulmano e financiador do terrorismo islâmico, afirmou que os Estados Unidos são um país muçulmano.
O muçulmano Barack Hussein, actual Presidente dos Estados Unidos, também conhecido como o Terrorista da Casa Branca, convidou o jovem para a Casa Branca, num tweet que tem muito que se lhe diga:
"Relógio fixe, Ahmed! Queres trazê-lo à Casa Branca? Devemos inspirar outros jovens a gostarem de Ciência. É isso que faz a América grande!" - escreveu Barack Hussein.
Date | Country | City | Killed | Injured | Description |
2015.09.27 | Pakistan | Khairkot | 9 | 51 | A Shahid suicide bomber detonates at a playground volleyball game, killing nine innocents. |
2015.09.27 | Afghanistan | Chahar Burjak | 2 | 4 | A mother and son are disassembled by Taliban bombers. |
2015.09.26 | CAR | Bangui | 21 | 100 | A mob of Muslims pour automatic weapons fire into a Christian neighborhood, killing at least twenty-one. |
2015.09.26 | Somalia | Kismayo | 4 | 3 | Four people at a restaurant are bitten off by Mujahid bombers. |
2015.09.25 | Niger | N'Gourtoua | 15 | 4 | Islamists slash the throats of fifteen villagers. |
2015.09.24 | Yemen | Sanaa | 29 | 60 | At least twenty-nine Shia worshippers are reduced to pulp by a dedicated Sunni suicide bomber. |
2015.09.21 | Syria | Rastan | 7 | 0 | Seven men are shot by the Islamic State 'for being gay.' |
2015.09.21 | Iraq | Tarmiya | 3 | 0 | Three family members are shot to death by religious radicals. |
2015.09.20 | Cameroon | Mora | 3 | 29 | Three others are killed when two female suicide bombers blow themselves up. |
2015.09.20 | Syria | Aleppo | 14 | 25 | Seven children are among fourteen killed when Sunnis pour rockets into an Armenian neighborhood. |
2015.09.20 | Nigeria | Maiduguri | 85 | 90 | Boko Haram bombers strike a rival mosque and several other buildings, killing at least eighty - including children. |
2015.09.20 | Nigeria | Ngorongoro | 6 | 0 | Six villagers have their throats slit by Boko Haram. |
2015.09.20 | Nigeria | Monguno | 45 | 60 | A Fedayeen suicide bomb blast rips through an outdoor market, claiming forty-five innocents. |
2015.09.18 | Pakistan | Peshawar | 29 | 30 | Sharia proponents machine-gun twenty-nine people at an air base mosque. |
2015.09.18 | China | Aksu | 40 | 0 | Five guards are among some forty people at a coal mine stabbed to death by Muslim 'separatists'. |
2015.09.18 | Afghanistan | Arghandab | 8 | 0 | All eight policemen manning a checkpoint are mowed down by religious extremists. |
2015.09.18 | Philippines | Zamboanga | 1 | 16 | Abu Sayyaf bombers kill a woman with a bomb planted under a bus seat. |
2015.09.18 | Dagestan | Khtun | 5 | 0 | Five local hunters are brutally slain by Muslim militants. |
2015.09.16 | Nigeria | Kadunung | 18 | 150 | Muslims attack a Christian community, killing eighteen innocents, including a man and his six children. |
2015.09.16 | Afghanistan | Kabul | 4 | 41 | A Shahid suicide car bomber murders four innocents and injures dozens more. |
2015.09.16 | Cameroon | Aissa Harde | 9 | 0 | Boko Haram members burn 40 homes and kill nine villagers. |
2015.09.15 | Afghanistan | Char Dewar | 6 | 0 | Six civilians are machine-gunned in their car at point-blank range by fundamentalists. |
2015.09.15 | Syria | Aleppo | 38 | 150 | At least fourteen children are among forty innocents turned to paste by Sunni rockets. |
2015.09.15 | Syria | al-Jazira | 3 | 0 | Two homosexuals are flung from a rooftop by caliphate members, who also shoot another man in the back of the head. |
2015.09.15 | Iraq | Mosul | 3 | 0 | Three university professors are executed with shots to the back of the head by the Islamic State. |
2015.09.15 | Syria | Hasakah | 7 | 21 | An Islamic State suicide bomber detonates in front of a water authority building and takes out seven souls. |
2015.09.15 | Libya | Benghazi | 1 | 0 | A 39-year-old baker is forced to his knees and shot by fundamentalists. |
2015.09.15 | Nigeria | Sarkin Kudu | 9 | 9 | Nine Christians are murdered in their village by Muslim invaders. |
2015.09.14 | Israel | Jerusalem | 1 | 2 | A 64-year-old man dies of injuries suffered during an Arab rock attack. |
2015.09.14 | Afghanistan | Ghazni | 4 | 7 | Four guards lose their lives when the Taliban stage a Fedayeen suicide attack on a prison. |
2015.09.14 | Mali | Mopti | 2 | 0 | Armed Islamists take out two local cops. |
2015.09.14 | Syria | Mahata | 10 | 40 | Ten people are laid out by a Shahid suicide car bomber. |
2015.09.14 | Pakistan | Multan | 11 | 59 | A suicide blast produces eleven charred bodies. |
2015.09.14 | Syria | Khashman | 16 | 40 | Two children are among sixteen slaughtered by an ISIS suicide car bombing. |
2015.09.14 | Nigeria | Barkin Ladi | 20 | 17 | Twenty Christians are massacred by Muslim militants. |
2015.09.14 | UK | White Chapel | 1 | 0 | A faith healer is stabbed to death in a targeted attack by a religious Muslim. |
2015.09.14 | Iraq | Saqlawiya | 3 | 5 | A Shahid suicide bomber takes out three Iraqis. |
2015.09.14 | Egypt | Khareeza | 12 | 4 | Ansar Bait Al-Maqdis is strongly suspected of a shooting at a wedding in which a dozen guests were massacred. |
2015.09.13 | Iraq | Ghazlani | 32 | 0 | Thirty-two captives are euthanized by Islamic State executioners. |
2015.09.13 | Pakistan | Khyber Pakhtunkhwa | 7 | 0 | Seven people are shot to death by suspected terrorists. |
2015.09.13 | Egypt | Western Desert | 1 | 0 | An Egyptian is beheaded and crucified by ISIS. |
2015.09.13 | Cameroon | Kolofata | 9 | 24 | Three suicide bombers set themselves off at a packed market, killing at least nine. |
2015.09.13 | Pakistan | Khaisoor | 2 | 0 | Two men are picked off by Taliban snipers while fetching water. |
2015.09.13 | Somalia | Raaso | 2 | 0 | Two brothers are beheaded by al-Shabaab. |
2015.09.13 | Iraq | Mosul | 5 | 0 | Five rival prayer leaders are shot in the back of the head by the caliphate. |
2015.09.12 | Iraq | Mosul | 1 | 0 | The director of a radio station is executed by the Islamic State. |
2015.09.12 | Iraq | Baiji | 3 | 8 | An ISIS attack leaves three others dead. |
2015.09.12 | Syria | Damascus | 11 | 30 | Jaish al-Islam send rockets into a suburb, killing eleven residents. |
2015.09.11 | Pakistan | Pandyali | 2 | 0 | Two members of a peace committee are sectionalized by Taliban bombers. |
2015.09.11 | Egypt | Rafah | 2 | 0 | Fundamentalists take out a woman and child with a car bomb. |
2015.09.11 | DRC | Mamove | 9 | 0 | An ADF attack leaves at least nine others dead. |
2015.09.11 | Nigeria | Madgali | 4 | 3 | A female suicide bomber detonates at a market, taking four patrons with her. |
2015.09.11 | Iraq | Daquq | 13 | 47 | Thirteen Kurds are blown to bits by ISIS bombs. |
2015.09.11 | Yemen | Marib | 20 | 40 | At least twenty civilians bleed out following a rocket attack by Shiite radicals on a marketplace. |
2015.09.11 | Egypt | Sinai | 4 | 0 | Four local soldiers are blown to bits by Islamic extremists. |
2015.09.11 | Syria | Damascus | 1 | 12 | A civilian loses his life to an ISIS mortar round. |
2015.09.11 | Afghanistan | Nangarhar | 1 | 0 | A rival imam is executed by the Islamic State. |
2015.09.11 | Nigeria | Yola | 7 | 20 | Children are among the victims of a horrible Boko Haram bombing at a refugee camp that claims seven. |
2015.09.10 | Pakistan | Dera Ismail Khan | 1 | 1 | Terrorists take out a local official with a drive-by. |
2015.09.10 | Iraq | Abu Ghraib | 2 | 7 | Two people are flattened by a Religion of Peace bomb blast. |
2015.09.10 | Iraq | Albu Souda | 9 | 14 | A Shahid suicide bomber snuffs out the lives of nine others. |
2015.09.10 | Afghanistan | Ghazni | 5 | 0 | Five police officers on patrol are destroyed by a Taliban bomb blast. |
2015.09.10 | CAR | Bangui | 2 | 20 | Muslim terrorists are suspected of three grenade attacks on gathered crowds that leave two dead. |
2015.09.09 | Afghanistan | Kalakhan | 2 | 1 | Two Afghan are taken out by a Taliban bomb blast. |
2015.09.09 | Syria | Abu al-Duhur | 71 | 40 | al-Qaeda members line up and execute fifty-six captives at an air base after killing fifteen others in the assault. |
2015.09.09 | Iraq | Mosul | 10 | 0 | Ten women are executed for refusing to have sex with Islamic extremists. |
2015.09.09 | Iraq | Anbar | 13 | 13 | Over a dozen Iraqis are laid out by two suicide bombers. |
2015.09.09 | Iraq | Hit | 2 | 0 | The caliph executes two people by tying them to explosives. |
2015.09.09 | Pakistan | Shah Faisal | 1 | 0 | A 28-year-old man is shot to death by sectarian rival. |
2015.09.09 | Iraq | Derik | 35 | 0 | Three dozen Kurds are reportedly killed by a an Islamic State suicide bomber. |
2015.09.09 | Dagestan | Novy Kurush | 1 | 0 | A moderate imam is shot to death by radical co-religionists. |
2015.09.09 | Pakistan | Karachi | 2 | 0 | Shiite radicals are suspected of gunning down a shop owner and his assistant. |
2015.09.08 | Iraq | Qarma | 8 | 0 | ISIS members sneak up and machine-gun eight people manning a checkpoint. |
2015.09.08 | Pakistan | Khyber | 6 | 0 | Six members of a peace committee are abducted and slain by Lashkar-e-Islam. |
2015.09.08 | Iraq | Mosul | 1 | 0 | A female journalist is publicly executed by caliphate enforcers. |
2015.09.07 | Afghanistan | Khurasan | 1 | 0 | A man is brutally beheaded the Uzbekistan Islamic Movement. |
2015.09.07 | Egypt | Taweel al-Amir | 2 | 5 | Islamic 'insurgents' kill two local security personnel with a roadside bomb. |
2015.09.07 | Libya | Benghazi | 7 | 0 | Seven people lose their lives to an Islamist attack. |
2015.09.07 | Pakistan | Qambarkhel | 5 | 0 | Lashkar-e-Islam gunmen ambush and kill five tribals. |
2015.09.06 | Pakistan | Kotigram | 1 | 0 | A local official is sprayed with bullets by a Muslim terrorist group. |
2015.09.06 | Pakistan | Hangu | 2 | 0 | A secular-leaning politician is gunned down along with a family member. |
2015.09.06 | Iraq | Madain | 2 | 2 | Women and children are among the casualties of a Mujahid bomb attack. |
2015.09.06 | DRC | Beni | 7 | 0 | Seven civilians are murdered by ADF Islamists. |
2015.09.06 | Afghanistan | Nimroz | 7 | 3 | Seven locals are taken out by the Taliban. |
2015.09.05 | Iraq | Arab Jabour | 4 | 0 | A family of four, including two children, is exterminated in their home by Holy Warriors. |
2015.09.05 | Pakistan | Khyber Pakhtunkhwa | 1 | 3 | The Taliban murder a local politician with a roadside bomb. |
2015.09.05 | Afghanistan | Balkh | 13 | 0 | Thirteen Hazara religious minorities are machine-gunned on a minibus by Sunni radicals. |
2015.09.04 | Bangladesh | Chittagong | 2 | 0 | Two Islamists cut the throats of two staff at a Sufi shrine. |
2015.09.04 | Iraq | Madain | 3 | 6 | Jihadis set off a bomb in a commercial district, killing three bystanders. |
2015.09.04 | Saudi Arabia | Abqaiq | 1 | 2 | A terrorist opens fire on police with a machine-gun, killing one. |
2015.09.04 | Tajikistan | Dushanbe | 2 | 1 | Two guards at an airport are picked off during an Islamist drive-by. |
2015.09.04 | Tajikistan | Vahdat | 8 | 2 | Islamic militants launch pre-dawn attacks on local police that leave eight dead. |
2015.09.04 | Syria | Sweida | 31 | 24 | Thirty-one people are taken out by two al-Nusra car bombs. |
2015.09.03 | Cameroon | Kerawa | 30 | 143 | Two female suicide bombers slaughter thirty patrons at a market. |
2015.09.03 | Afghanistan | Helmand | 8 | 0 | The Taliban drug eight police and then shoot them to death. |
2015.09.03 | Iraq | Baghdad | 4 | 7 | Sunnis bomb two Shiite areas, killing four civilians. |
2015.09.03 | Iraq | Tarmiya | 3 | 8 | A bomb blast at a Sunni vegetable market leaves three dead. |
2015.09.03 | Iraq | Baghdad | 3 | 10 | Jihadi bombers take out three patrons at a market. |
2015.09.02 | Iraq | Hashd Shaabi | 11 | 16 | Eleven Iraqis are disassembled by two suicide bombers. |
2015.09.02 | Pakistan | Urmar Payan | 3 | 6 | Three cops are liquidated by Islamic terrorists. |
2015.09.02 | Pakistan | Latakia | 10 | 25 | Sunni extremists set off a car bomb in a town square that claims ten lives. |
2015.09.02 | Yemen | Sanaa | 32 | 75 | Over two dozen worshippers at a Shiite mosque are sent straight to Allah by two suicide bombers. |
2015.09.02 | Iraq | Tel Saqif | 8 | 2 | Islamic State members kill eight Iraqis with a mortar barrage. |
2015.09.02 | India | Ladoora | 1 | 2 | A Lashkar-e-Islam member opens fire on a security patrol, killing one member. |
2015.09.02 | Iraq | Khalis | 4 | 18 | Four people lose their lives to an Islamist car bomb. |
2015.09.02 | Iraq | Mosul | 4 | 0 | Four civilians are executed at a market by the Islamic State. |
2015.09.02 | Nigeria | Mainari | 5 | 6 | Muslim 'insurgents' murder five villagers. |
2015.09.02 | Iraq | Haditha | 3 | 6 | Three people are killed when ISIS militants send mortars toward a dam. |
2015.09.01 | Nigeria | Ba'na Iman | 8 | 0 | Eight villagers are murdered by Sharia proponents. |
2015.09.01 | Nigeria | Kolori | 18 | 0 | Boko Haram ride into a town on horseback, shoot eighteen residents to death and steal their food. |
2015.09.01 | Pakistan | Jamrud | 6 | 56 | A Fedayeen suicide bomber kills at least six others. |
2015.09.01 | Iraq | Haditha | 12 | 8 | Three ISIS suicide bombers take out a dozen Iraqis. |
2015.09.01 | Mali | Timbuktu | 2 | 1 | Two local security personnel are murdered by Jihadists. |
2015.09.01 | Somalia | Janaale | 50 | 50 | At least fifty AU peacekeepers are killed during an al-Shabaab attack on their base. |
2015.08.31 | Pakistan | Khar | 1 | 4 | A civilian is killed by a roadside blast. |
2015.08.31 | Iraq | Salahuddin | 3 | 0 | The caliphate hacks the heads off three people for the crime of helping families escape. |
2015.08.31 | Nigeria | Fatawe | 36 | 0 | Several dozen villagers are rounded up and bound, then have their throats slit in front of their families by Boko Haram. |
2015.08.31 | Iraq | Anbar | 4 | 0 | Four Shiites are suspended with chains and then burned alive by Sunni extremists. |
2015.08.30 | Yemen | Mansura | 1 | 0 | al-Qaeda on motorbikes assassinate a security official. |
2015.08.30 | Nigeria | Hambagda | 7 | 5 | Sharia proponents shoot seven innocents to death. |
2015.08.30 | Libya | Rakiyat | 5 | 2 | An Islamist attack on a village checkpoint leaves five dead. |
2015.08.30 | Pakistan | Mardan | 2 | 0 | Two local cops are gunned down by Tehreek-e-Taliban snipers. |
2015.08.30 | Iraq | Haditha | 4 | 2 | Four people are laid out by a Shahid suicide bomber. |
2015.08.29 | Afghanistan | Ghazni | 6 | 0 | Six cops are machine-gunned at a checkpoint by Taliban. |
2015.08.29 | Afghanistan | Oruzgan | 3 | 0 | Two tribal elders and their driver are exterminated by religious radicals. |
2015.08.29 | Afghanistan | Chora | 3 | 0 | Three people lose their lives to a Taliban bomb blast. |
2015.08.29 | Iraq | Fallujah | 6 | 9 | A Fedayeen suicide bomber destroys six other lives. |
2015.08.29 | Iraq | Trebil | 8 | 6 | Eight people are taken apart by Islamist bomb blasts at a border crossing. |
2015.08.29 | Syria | Homs | 4 | 19 | IS terrorists detonate a car bomb in front of a pharmacy, killing four. |
2015.08.29 | Iraq | Shirqat | 12 | 0 | A dozen people are executed by the Islamic State. |
2015.08.29 | Nigeria | Karnuwa | 4 | 0 | Four villagers are shot to death by Boko Haram. |
2015.08.29 | Bahrain | Karana | 1 | 6 | A security official is taken down by Shiite bombers. |
2015.08.29 | Iraq | Baghdad | 5 | 19 | Two Mujahid roadside blasts take out five Iraqis. |
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